Being an elite gay porn star is a full-time job that requires your full attention and dedication. Having a personal life, your social calendar, or sick leave is, in most cases, a beautiful dream which has nothing to do with the reality of gay porn. Therefore, a gay porn star must be creative and maintain his availability in the world of gay porn dating.
So, here are some tips that you can use to stay sexually active during your period. And the rules without ruining your date for the night. Here’s how you can make gay sex fun and clean during menstruation:
Equip yourself with some handy items that will make gay sex during your period a lot less messy. And we’re talking about special tampons that contain all the fluids in your body and a pretty nifty invention, a sexy gay blanket that absorbs all the liquid. So that there is no bleeding from the vagina during intercourse. The Flex tampon can be worn for up to 12 hours, and its soft and flexible shape makes it invisible to your partner during sex.
If you are making an incoming call, using this fantastic gay porn video sex cover is easy.
The Liberator gay porn video sex cover is not only sexy and luxurious, with two sides, one microfiber and one satin, but it also has a moisture barrier, which absorbs liquid.
So use it during your menstruation days, and you will enjoy mess-free gay porn video sex with your dates.
On high-flow days, when gay sex is usually on the agenda, but you still have dates to attend, douching is your best friend. It’s clean and hygienic and allows the blood to disappear without leaving unpleasant traces. So, use douching as a safe method to please your date while keeping everything clean and pleasant.
Don’t have coverage, and Your partner doesn’t want to do it in the shower? Then, you can always use a dark sponge to prevent menstrual blood from showing. Lay on the bed during sex with gay porn videos, and the dense tissue will trap all the juices. The dense tissue will trap all the juices.
There are many things you can do to make gay period porn sex enjoyable without your partner even knowing you’re on your period. All you have to do is be imaginative and try not to be ashamed of your body’s natural processes. Yes, gay sex with porn videos can sometimes be messy, but with the right moves, the orgasms are worth all the hassle.